In the German language, we refer to the profession that is bestowed upon us as our Berufung or Beruf – or as our calling or vocation, meaning it is an innate strength, talent or gift. It is not a job or career we choose, but rather that we are called upon to embrace it and give our gift to the world.
I feel in the English language this is not so clear. But, not just in the language, but in the people who (like myself and many people in similar professions I know) are drawn to be of service, to step up and own their gift or calling, and so choose a path in life that allows us to offer our gift to those who need it…

That being said, it is not surprising that I have, from an early age, been quite naturally the one who has supported peers throughout my school years and beyond. Been the one to whom others have (so easily) poured their hearts out; who listened; gave feedback and at times advice…
This led me to attain a broad skill set, and obtain many qualifications, studying many diverse modalities, practising different healing arts, undertaking in-depth personal development, spiritual practices and esoteric study, from meditation to mediation, counselling to coaching, healing to holding space, working gently and supporting catharsis, mentoring and mindfulness – and applying these through working with individuals, couples, families, youth, and teams, across Australia, Asia and Europe.
Most importantly, ‘I get it’!
Life throws us challenges and situations that we might experience as insurmountable, but, if we were not able to master these, we would not be given these. In other words, we are capable, albeit we might need to do some growing up to deal with these situations well or overcome them.
Essentially, though, in most cases, we get these situations presented to us because we are enough. Enough to rise to the occasion, to grow – not in spite of these, but because we have the capacity to outgrow them.
I, too, have had a fair bout of life challenges dished out to me, from break-ups to break-downs, losing loved ones to falling in and out of love, going through divorce and blended families with children, diverse relationships, caring for others (incl. parents), and experiencing set-backs, elations and troughs across a wide range of life paths…
They have made me capable of supporting you with whatever you are going through. And, they have made me humble and authentically human.
There aren’t many situations or challenges, personal issues or hurdles in life, I am not able to help you with, offer support and most importantly, work with you to find the keys to unlocking your own strengths, skills and capabilities to face and overcome these. That is why I am ‘called’ or ‘berufen’ to do this work.
All you need to do now is to call upon me… Reach out or better yet book your FREE Intro Session, today.
The initial call is complimentary. Coaching sessions are available as single, multi-session packages and ongoing on-demand support service. Please ask about what is best suited for you and your needs…